Privacy Policy

ミュージック・ステムワークス合同会社(以下弊社)では、個人情報に関する法令およびその他の規範を遵守し、お客様の大切な個人情報の保護に万全を尽くします。 In Music Stemworks LLC. (our company below), to comply with the Code and other laws and regulations regarding personal information,and care is taken to ensure the protection of important personal information of our customers.
個人情報の収集について(取得したメールアドレス・クレジットカード情報・住所・氏名・お取引商品等の顧客情報等) About the collection of personal information(Such as customer information such as commodities trading name, address and credit card information and e-mail address that you obtained)

Our company may collect personal information to the extent necessary in the following cases.
・弊社へのお問い合わせ時・When you have made inquiries to our company.
・弊社へのサービスお申し込み時・When you apply for a service to our company.
・他、取引遂行及び決済・配送等に限定して使用しています。・The other has been used exclusively, to such trade execution and payment and delivery.


個人情報の利用目的について For the use of personal information (privacy)

弊社は、お客様から収集した個人情報を次の目的で利用いたします。We are, we will use the following purposes: personal information collected from our customers.
・お客様への連絡のため  ・For contact to customers
・お客様からのお問い合せに対する回答のため  ・For answers to inquiries from customers
・お客様へのサービス提供のため  ・For providing services to customers


使用済みの顧客情報の廃棄  Disposal of customer information used.

・Are already used to fulfill transactions, customer information unlikely future use, (for media such as paper shredder-dissolution process, about the data is completely removed) are discarded.


残しておく必要のある顧客情報 Customer information that we need to leave

・Completion of the transaction in the customer information, information that you need for the provision of after-sales service, we have a strict management to limit the access authority, such as addition of a record of access.

個人情報の第三者への提供についてProvision of Personal Information to Third Parties.

Our company can disclose or provide personal information to third parties retrieved from the customer is not available. However, if the following exceptions.

・ご本人の同意がある場合 ・If you have the consent of the disclosure of personal information.
・警察からの要請など、官公署からの要請の場合 ・If the request request from the police, etc., from public agencies.
・法律の適用を受ける場合 ・If you receive the application of the law.


個人情報の開示、訂正等について Disclosure of personal information, correction, etc..

・Our company, if self-disclosure of information from the customer himself, correction, there was a purchase, such as deleted, depending on reliably.


スタッフ管理の徹底 Perform to ensure thorough of staff management.

・Our company has been thoroughly described above (all persons employees, temporary employees, part-time job, such as contractors) staff.


その他 Other

・In addition to the above, in accordance with the various terms in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act, confirm that accompany the Personal Data Protection Law and our regulations, the handling of personal information has been paying close attention.


個人情報保護に関するお問い合わせ先 Contact us for the protection of privacy policy.

ミュージック・ステムワークス合同会社  代表 大久保博志

Music Stemworks LLC. Representative Director, Hiroshi Okubo